Chilaquiles are a Mexican dish that consists of fried tortilla strips, salsa , crema and cheese. Generally enjoyed for breakfast , brunch or you can even enjoy them for dinner if you should choose . For this vegan version you can use vegan sour cream, cheese or simply make it without cheese or cream. Personally, I like to enjoy them as is with just my signature sauce , cilantro and cream like I have pictured. As since a young age I have never been a fan of cheese. Yes, you read that correctly!
Traditionally, for this dish includes pairing it with eggs but there are some great versions out there so you can still get an authentic experience or you can even make my vegan scramble recipe and place it on top. If your looking to enjoy it for a brunch or even dinner you could also add grilled jackfruit or even vegan chicken over top or crispy tofu .
Chilaquiles Sauce:
2 jalapeños
4 garlic cloves
1 tsp canola oil ( optional to roast )
4 -6 arbol dry peppers
6 Roma tomatoes
1 tsp sea salt
almond /cashew crema or vegan sour cream
fresh tortilla chips
5 stem fresh cilantro
Chilaquiles Sauce:
1. Start by cleaning your tomatoes and jalapeños
2. Heat up your comal or cast iron and add the garlic cloves, tomatoes and jalapeños on a low/medium setting. You don’t want it on high as you want it to roast slowly and not have it burnt.
3. Add the 1 tsp or canola oil over tops of the garlic cloves, tomatoes and jalapeños
4. Allow everything to get brown and the tomatoes should be roasted enough for them to burst open . Once the tomatoes burst add them to your blender .
5. Add your sea salt to the blender.
6. Hit the pulse if you want some texture to your salsa or put it on low if you want it to be a smoother salsa
7. Serve and enjoy with your chilaquiles, with homemade tacos or with fresh tortilla chips
8. Add a neutral oil to your skillet to pan fry your store bought tortilla chips
9. Pan fry for 2-3 minutes then pour overtop your homemade chilaquiles sauce and fold it into the chips until evenly coated
10. Remove from the skillet and add to a plate and top with your favorite vegan sour cream, crema , purple onions, cilantro or tofu scramble or enjoy as is
Go To Blender:
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